3 Workouts | 7 Days | Up To 3 Inches Growth
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Some Of The Amazing Results So Far

Arthur Jones: Creator of Nautilus exercise equipment.
The Arms Blast is based on an inspirational insight I had from a man called Arthur Jones! Jones was the creator of High Intensity Training (HIT), inventor of the Nautilus training equipment, and mentor to the legend that was Mike Mentzer.
In one issue he made this startling claim…
“From only one workout, I’ll put half an inch of permanent muscle size on each of your upper arms!”
Woah! That lit a FIRE under me to find out what in the hell he was talking about! But I wanted more….I wanted a full inch!
Long story short – I did it! And I called that experimental protocol The Arms Blast Workout. And I did it through principles of what I call ‘Hyper-Intense‘ training.
Of course, I didn’t want the story to end there. I became obsessed with how to apply these principles to the chest and ignite some super-fast gains. Well, it was a major success! And in fact, the gains were even bigger this time (than the original Arms Blast).
How To Buy
Download the full program for just $29.99 USD and get instant access after payment. This is a digital product. Nothing physical needs to be shipped.
What People Are Saying About The Chest Blast
(I like to include a link to the person’s social media as a way to authenticate that these guys/girls are real – and their results are real)
JJ De Beer. 19 years old in Pretoria, South Africa (his facebook here)
GAINED 3 INCHES (best results of the chest blast so far)
“Here are my results, Mark:
- 23rd November before measurement: 48 inches
- After Chest Blast. My chest measurement: 51 inches
The program was intense and the pump was insane. I loved it the results. As I approached the end of the workout my pectorals were on fire. Must say one of the best workouts I ever completed.”
Clara Mosha. 47yrs old in London, UK (owner of Ultimate Physique Training. Her facebook here)
“After the first session, I was extremely sore. Even my anterior delts and arms have visibly improved in shape.
- Chest size BEFORE: 34″
- Chest size AFTER: 35.5″
REALLY enjoyed this workout. I have never been challenged like this. For women, I would say if you want to develop a nicely shaped upper body, this is for you! The results are amazing! I really didn’t think you could make such a difference in measurements in 1 week!”
Simon Kirk in Auckland, New Zealand (his facebook here)
“Day one was awesome. Felt a huge pump.
The second day was painful, my chest was on fire. I could hardly believe how sore I was. I love that feeling. I just couldn’t wait to push the next set out, (I know I’m crazy).”
Overall, great workout and I saw at least 4-5cm of gains.“
3 Hyper-Intense Workouts Over 7 Days = Rapid Gains
“Hyper-Intensity” = The Newbie Gains Experience All Over Again
Please read this…
I don’t just mean 100% intensity – I mean well above 100% – I call it…
Before you ever started training, what sort of intensity of effort was your body exposed to? Well your daily activities probably never caused you to work any muscle beyond 20% – 30% intensity of effort. And of course, since there was no reason for your body to change, your muscle mass levels remained the same (or even atrophied).
So you started training. Let’s say you used a rep range of 8-12 reps per set. That translates into about 85% of your 1-rep max.
So what happened when you went from 30% to 85%? BANG! – The “Newbie Gains” phenomenon and rapid size gains.
The drastic change in intensity that your muscles were exposed to forced your body to adapt. How? By building more muscle mass fast.
What if you could create a workout that actually caused you to work above 100%? I’m talking levels of ~130% of your 1 rep max?
Well again…your body will be forced to adapt to this massive change in intensity. How? By building more muscle mass quickly.
Training above 100% is what I am calling “HYPER-INTENSE” training.
And if you’re sitting there scratching your head – YES it is possible to train at levels beyond 100%. This is all explained inside the Chest Blast.
More Chest Blast Success Stories
Justin Martin. 25 yrs old from Lexington, Kentucky.
“I am the Personal Training Director at a gym in my city.
This was one of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done. I was the sorest on days 2 and 3 after my first workout. The second workout felt great. The last one was a challenge as my chest and anterior delts felt extremely fatigued. Up 1/2″ after a few days and then up to 45″ as of Saturday (from 44″), which is exactly 1 inch in 1 week from the last workout.”
Steve Zeiger. 51yrs old from Cairns, Queensland, Australia. (his facebook here)
*note: this subject was cutting/on reduced calories at the time of the blast.*
My chest measurement increased 5 cm in 7 days. Not bad for a 51 year old! My chest has always been a “hard gain” body part for me.
The workout uses techniques I have not seen anywhere else in almost 30 years of training. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I have been training since I was 23 and never have I seen such an effective routine.
Also, I am in the middle of a Total Six Pack Abs diet and routine, so who says you can’t lose fat and build muscle simultaneously?”
FJ Labuschagne, 34 yrs old (his facebook here)
“I am a former varsity rugby player and although my legs and arms are muscular, I always had trouble with my shoulders and pectorals being stubborn. I’m a hardgainer, only when it comes to my pecs. Expecting one or two cm growth in a six month cycle is or was ambitious.
Final workout done and dusted. Here is the gist: SHOCK AND AWE!
I started out at 103cm. Today I am at 108cm. I can see a thickness and I can see it showing through my shirts. Thank you!”
How To Buy
Download the full program for just $29.99 USD and get instant access after payment. This is a digital product. Nothing physical needs to be shipped.
About The Author

I usually run a Chest Blast once in every 10-week training cycle (but you can do it up to 3 times in every 10-wk period).
I actually have less-than-average genetics for building muscle. The only difference is that many years ago I studied the greats like Arthur Jones, Mike Mentzer, Ellington Darden and more to understand the rock-solid laws of intensity when it comes to stimulating muscle tissue to grow….then I took it to the next level: HYPER-INTENSITY.
Hyper-intensity is training above and beyond 100%. Above and beyond your 1 rep max. Yes it’s possible.
Muscle growth is simply an increase in the diameter/thickness of individual muscle fibers. Going to 100% triggers this expansion. So imagine what training above 100% can do! Well…you’re about to find out!
Michael Breen. 37 yrs old in County Armagh, Ireland. (his facebook here)
- Chest 24th November: 44 ¼ inches
- Chest 30th November: 46 ¼ inches
The Chest Blast experience was extremely good and really pushed me to the limits. I found the first day tough and for 2 days after I was very sore in between my normal workouts.
The best sets for me where sets 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Sets 1 & 4 were good, but the others pushed me that bit and I feel that’s how the gains happened.”
Reza Kairimi. 34 yrs old in Canada. (his facebook here)
“Before 94 cm and after 96.5 cm. My pecs are looking visibly fuller in the middle to lower part of the chest and towards outer portion of the pecs. They also feel noticeably denser when I poke them.
The workout is absolutely intense! I loved it! As they say this is the mind that gives up first before the muscle.
During the workout, not only were my pecs pumped up, but my shoulders were looking huge at the same time.”
Joe Vorndran. 42 years old in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. (his facebook here)
“From 40 to 40.5 inches as of today!
The workout itself is great, no issues there. The question is, how often can you do it? For me I think I would only do one of these blast routines once every couple months.”
Answer from author (you can do this workout on every 4th or 5th week of training. 3 times in every 10-week training cycle at most. Week 1, 5 and 10)